Design Forum > The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

A Few More Words Of Wisdom

Read the complete article: The Web Design Community Offers Advice To Beginners

Below are other responses that we couldn’t just leave hanging in the Twitterverse:

* Try everything yourself before asking someone else (trial and error to the max).
* Find your niche and focus on it until you are an expert.
* You could probably code it well, but there is a fair chance that there is a time-saving jQuery solution.
* Think of the visitor who is trying to find out something. They need to understand what’s going on, not just be impressed.
* Some bridges just have to be burned.
* Web developer? Practice sleeping less.
* Don’t scoff at new ways of doing things because you don’t initially get them, nor should you embrace them without honest evaluation.
* Stay informed about the direction of the Web. There’s a lot to learn, and along the way you’ll pick up skills.
* Google before you ask.
* Use source control. After that, comment your code.
* Never write anything but standards-compliant code: faster, more reliable, and you won’t have to fix it when new browsers come out.
* Regression test.
* Do not fall in love with the code you write.
* Put functionality first. Beauty comes in second place.
* Don’t be cocky.
* Focus on one subject at a time. Start with CSS.
* “Stay hungry, stay foolish.”
* Learn to write and format your own code cleanly and in as few characters as possible.
* Run away from clients with red flags.
* Take the most pride in your team’s code, not your own. Don’t complain when people edit your code. Enjoy how it improves.
* All the stuff you say about all the old code you read, someone will say about your code in 10 years. So, knock it off. :)
* Stay organized. It’s the key to success.
* It’s never a hardware problem.
* Logical, step-by-step thinking will solve any problem you encounter. No doubt about it.
* Find a good IDE (like Aptana).
* Appreciate the design in front of you, and design in general.
* You don’t fully understand something until you can explain it succinctly to someone else. So, learn → do → teach.