Featured Artist - Amazing Illustrator and Pop-Culture Junkie: Rebecca Whitaker
Thursday, October 20, 2011 at 12:24PM
Jonathan Blackburn in Artists, Featured Artists, Featured Artists, Illustration, Illustration, Monsters, Movie Monster, Pen & Ink, Pop Culture, Rebecca Whitaker, Visual

As Halloween approaches and the wiching hour is near, we bring you our newest Featured Artist Becca Whitaker and the amazing works she creates! I had been following Becca's blog, which can be found at "No Smoking in the Skullcave" for some time now in complete adoration of her works, blog, art and interests.

As an avid and talented illustrator with a sharp fix on the "Comic/Cartoon-Esqe" design she seamlessly combindes Pop-Culture Icons, Classic Horror Movie Monsters, Luscious-Bombshell Pin-Up Women and scenes that reflect all of her favorite icons!

Rebeca Whitaker - Illustrator/ pop culture junkie who wishes to be whisked away in the TARDIS by the 9th Doctor. Becca approves of William Shatner's singing career, adores Bettie Page & admires Isaac Asimov's wit.

Article originally appeared on Darkline INK - Masterfully created works of the digital art community (http://www.darklineink.com/).
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