Ventura County Fair - Professional Arts Juried Show
Friday, July 22, 2011 at 5:17PM
Jonathan Blackburn in Design Contests, Digital Arts, Finished Pieces, Framing, Michael's Debaucle, New Prints, Professional Arts, Ventura County Fair

Just got back from dropping of my submission to the Ventura County Fair's - Professional Arts Juried Show. Whew!

As I approached the last week deadline for artwork submissions, I was still in need of custom framing the final Lustre Print from the local print shop, so I started making a few phone calls around the area only to find that "Gallery" framing is way too expensive. In the relm of $260-300. Insane. After running around to a few places with time being the matter at hand (already paid my entry fees online) I had to get my entry framed for the physical delivery to the fair by today. Last week I dropped by a huge corporate outlet for crafts... heh.. won't mention any names for the time being other than the name Starts with a big "M", because of some 60% off custom framing. I though it would be a great idea to take them up on the offer, so I popped in just to find out that "Gallery Framing", once again, was way too overpriced. This must be some sort of monopoly or consripacy in the framing world because nobody in they're right mind would pay over $300 for framing a 18x24" print. Nobody. Luckily I found a VERY nice ready-made frame: deep red mahagony/glass/custom matted... yep all the good stuff I needed. I dropped of the piece and surprisingly recieved a call the next day that it was complete and ready to pick up! Now mind you I have 4-5 days until final submissions. This was cutting it short. Way too short I might add. To make a long story short, I picked up the framed piece just to find the matting was off-center as well as the mounted print! Good thing they ate the cost of re-framing it within 1 day of dropping of the final gallery hung piece.

Article originally appeared on Darkline INK - Masterfully created works of the digital art community (
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